Construction Alert! Please plan accordingly when traveling to and from the airport! Construction is happening on Interstate 474 – Airport Exits. Construction Maps & Updates
Frequently Asked Questions
Allegiant Air, American Airlines, and United Airlines
Detailed directions and maps can be found here
Yes! Parking is free in the main parking lot. Metered parking is available for passenger drop off and pickup on the lower level drive.
Information about taxi, shuttle reservations, and contact information can be found here
Each airline suggests its own amount of time for checking and getting through the security checkpoint. For information, please contact your airline.
A government-issued photo ID is required for all adults boarding a plane. For information about identification needs for minors, please contact your airline.
Please see the TSA Pack Safe Tips for more information about prohibited and permitted items as well as packing tips.
As of January 1, 2020, Illinois law allows for individuals 21 years of age or older to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis flower, 500 mg of THC in a cannabis-infused product (edibles) and 5 grams of cannabis concentrate for personal consumption. However, travelers and airport guests should be aware that Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screening stations are under federal jurisdiction. Also, passengers should be aware that marijuana laws vary state by state and they are encouraged to check the laws of the states to which they plan to travel. If passengers choose to travel with cannabis products in either their carry-on or checked baggage, they should be aware that TSA may make a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) referral. The LEO may inspect the cannabis products and make a determination if the product complies with Illinois laws and regulations. If there is no violation of Illinois law, the passenger will be allowed to retain their legal property and bard the aircraft. Passengers are reminded that they must still comply with TSAs “3-1-1” rule regarding liquids, gels and aerosols and their containers. Passengers who choose to travel with cannabis products should allow extra time in the screening process so the LEO referral does not cause them to miss their flights.
Yes, please call 309-697-8272 ext 110 and leave a detailed message concerning your lost object. We listen to these messages and will return your call. Or email at
Please note that while service animals are welcomed, their owners may be asked what tasks the service animal has been trained to perform, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
All service animals must be leashed and under the control of their owners while inside the terminal.
An animal relief area is located in the grassy area on the east side of the terminal.
Flying a drone or any unmanned aerial system (UAS) within 5 miles of any airport is dangerous —and illegal— without prior permission from the airport authority and air traffic control. Before you fly near the Peoria International Airport or Mt. Hawley Airport, first call (309) 697-8272, ext. 100 during weekdays until 4:30 p.m. After hours, call (309) 697-8272, ext. 110.
Permission must always be given to fly within 5 miles of an airport, but there are also different rules for operating drones and other unmanned aircraft based on why you want to fly. See our drones page for more detailed information and resources to obtain help with your questions.
Contact our Manager of Marketing and Public Relations for answers to the questions you may have or, at the very least, referrals to the appropriate agency which can answer your question.
We do not offer in person interviews at PIA, unless we are hosting a PreCheck Event. Please follow links to find the closest location.